Tag Archives: jazz

Lala 2011 Fall Line-Up Interview and E3 Sampler


We recently had the pleasure of enjoying E3 at the Lala Gallery in Downtown Lafayette.

After the noise, we interviewed Angela about the upcoming line-up at Lala over the next year or so. Some topics include:

Look. Learn. Create. Collect.
Look. Learn. Collect your creations. Collect other art.
September 16th Gallery Walk Second Space Gallery!
Beat Your Knuckles on the Door
How does one bang their knuckles the door to get showcased?
Market the big dogs!
Apply for the South Gallery
Middle of September, call for entry!
Risky. Shaking. Style.
I’m just loving it.
Lala Facebooks.
Look ahead. Shaking it up.
Lala will continue.

Angela Vinson’s Interview in the Fall of 2011 about the upcoming Line-Up

MP3: [audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/newschannelinternet/2011-Interviews/themediacollective.org-Lala%202011%20Fall%20Line-Up%20Interview.mp3]

An Audio Collage of the September 2nd, 2011 E3 Event

MP3: [audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/newschannelinternet/2011-Interviews/themediacollective.org-Lala%20E3%20September%202011%20Peformance%20Sampler.mp3]

Learn more about Lala’s artists.

Lafayette Farmers Market – August 8th, 2009

This morning we decided to do some binaural recording the Farmers Market. We also recorded some time lapse video of people’s feet. There was also a great treat in the form of Danny Weiss blowing some early morning jazz into market air. It was a great way to start a Saturday.

Audio from the video below:
Download Lafayette Farmer’s Market August 8th, 2009

Continue reading Lafayette Farmers Market – August 8th, 2009

Danny Weiss at the Farmers Market

Danny Weiss playing at the Farmer's Market

The first audio piece put online that we recorded with our new Zoom H2 Handy Recorder. Let us know what you think.

This audio was taken on May 10th, at the Farmers Market, located on 5th Street in downtown Lafayette. We have Danny Weiss playing the saxophone, and entertaining the crowd early morning shoppers. Also, this is just a sample. There will be more!

You can hear the Danny Weiss Trio every Thursday night at the Black Sparrow from 10PM – 1AM.

The song is Jerome Kern’s All the Things You Are. Thanks for the update Danny!

Download Danny Weiss playing All the Things You Are at the Farmers Market (4:57)


Added another track, Sandu by Clifford Brown

Download Danny Weiss playing ‘Sanud’ at the Farmers Market (4:10)