You There! is a structured, extemporaneous theatre experiment. We take the knowledge of Dan Goldstein, grind it to a pulp with the futurist synthetic theatre, and cook the result in a searing pan of Safire. It’s delicious, satisfying, and best of all, healthy.
Want to help in the kitchen? Contact us.
PS The poster was created as a collaborative endeavor by the Drawing Board.
The first call-out for our new troupe was a success. We met three new people and saw some familiar faces. Our next jam session/workshop will be this coming Saturday, August 29th. The time to be announced as soon as we hear back from everyone on what works best for them. We figured something around 3PM or 7PM.
If you’re interested, please contact us using the form, leaving a comment on this post, or by writing us at improv@-REMOVETHISTEXT-themediacollective.org
RSS Monologue
What you will need: A computer or RSS enabled device
- Load a news RSS service in your favorite RSS reader (Firefox will work nicely and there are several listed below)
- Increase the font size so you can read it while standing
- Set your computer to autoscroll (video in full post)
Start up monologues based off of the title and opening sentence of the news stories that are scrolling over your screen. You should make sure that your screen is scrolling slow enough so you can say a few lines for each article.
Have two people or an entire ensemble use the news stories to start scenes.
RSS news Services and the limit of the results in the RSS feed
Google News Top Stories (100)
Google News World News (100)
Google News USA News (100)
Yahoo! World News (10)
Yahoo! USA News (10)
Yahoo! Top News (10)
Reuters Top News (10)
Reuters USA News (10)
Reuters World News (10)
Reuters Political News (10)
Reuters BusinessNews (10)
Digg Labs also has some good tools for this exercise:
Big Spy
And there is also twistori, a twitter news feed based on emotions.
Continue reading (Solo) Improv Exercise: RSS Monologue →
helping you become the media in the greater lafayette indiana area