PSA 01
PSA 02
Download Please Use a Harness PSA 01 (0:41) and PSA 02 (0:39)
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A friend of ours informed us that a local noise band, Cro Magnon (Lafayette, IN), played on WFMU’s Talks Cheap with Jason Sigal.
You can download their entire set from the Free Music Archive.
Created on three index cards. My family (sans one member) created this Exquisite Corpse as a birthday gift. The theme was “birthday”. I like the various interpretations that showed up. Thank you family!
Created on three index cards. I created the middle panel and sent two more to my parents via mail. I was in the area a couple weeks later (a long time, I know) and picked them up on July 11th. Click on the thumbnail for a larger picture.
helping you become the media in the greater lafayette indiana area