312-DRY-TOFU – Super Bowl of Life

312-DRY-TOFU - Free-form Question, Comment, Improvisation Voicemail Line

Here is another installment of the free-form question, comment and improvisational voicemail art project, 312-DRY-TOFU (312-379-8638). Give us a call to share your perspective on anything and everything! Tell us about your day, improvise a monologue about a local event, or sing us a song. If it can be captured on the phone, we want to hear it.

In this episode we hear a tragedy of flat tires, a valentines day about asking out a girl (well, sort of.) for an awkward time brewing flowering tea, soundscapes of the Super Bowl held in Indianapolis, wonderful days making art, birdies bonking their little heads, the 4th anniversary of the Black Sparrow, Christmas well wishes, observations of TO-FU, grandfather figures (Felix Stefanile) and their poems.

Please join us for the next episode by calling and contributing to 312-DRY-TOFU (312-379-8638)!

MP3: [audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/drytofu/2012/themediacollective.org-312-DRY-TOFU-2012-02-26.mp3]

Download the insanity, 312-DRY-TOFU 2012-02-26 (7:44) in MP3 or Ogg.


News Channel Internet – Interview: Bridget Johnston

News Channel Internet

Bridget Johnston. Lover of scotch whiskey, dogs, photography, skirts and dresses. Lives vicariously as a New Yorker through Woody Allen to fulfill her childhood dream of living in the city. She decorates her walls with art by Pollock, Ginsberg poems, posters of Mile Davis, cards, and cut-outs from magazines (which she subscribes to none). She fears becoming crotchety, being over bodies of water, dreading her job, and terrible accidents to loved ones. She was a features editor for the Purdue Exponent. She recently moved to Washington to start an internship at the glorious media empire known as C-SPAN. We spoke with Bridget recently over Skype to get her story.

MP3: [audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/newschannelinternet/2012-Interviews/themediacollective.org-Interview-Bridget-Johnston.mp3]

Download the interview, Bridget Johnston/em> (15:53) in MP3 or Ogg.