Sorry for the slow updates!

We would just like to apologize to everyone who is waiting to hear themselves on the What’s up with that? A show not hosted by Ryan Hill show. Your audio is not lost. It’s not just edited yet! We are really behind, but in a way, that’s a good thing. We’ll have shows to last us until the end of the year and then some. Our biggest fear is getting enough people to interview once the football season is over with.

So, please continue to be patient. Your show will be up in time. Thank you for your understanding!

What’s up with that? S01E13 (Breakfast Club Edition #3)

What’s up with that? A show not hosted by Ryan Hill.

Whoops! We missed a Breakfast Club of audio! Had this session sitting in an old folder. I believe this is stuff from the Notre Dame game. Sorry about the delay. I need to stay on top of this audio a little bit better.

The questions from this show were:

  1. Will you describe your worst or most hated job?
  2. What time did you start drinking?
  3. How do you feel about the monks in Myanmar?1
  4. What are you supposed to be? Describe it to a blind person.
  5. Will you scat for us?

Download: What’s up with that? S01E13 10-23-2007 (12:59)

1 I cannot pronounce words worth a damn!

What’s up with that? S01E12

What’s up with that? A show not hosted by Ryan Hill.

Wow. Another bank of audio finally. This stuff is from the 5th of October, so we’re a little back logged. Hopefully, with some new editing techniques, we can push through this pile and get the stuff out there to the masses. This portions questions were:

  1. Will you sing us a verse from your favorite song?
  2. What’s your opinion about the facts?
  3. How do you feel about the republic?
  4. What kind of plastic surgery should (fill in the blank with a politician’s name) should have?
  5. You’re starving, what do you need to be made out of in order to eat yourself?
  6. How do you feel about the pope running for president?

Download: What’s up with that? S01E12 10-19-2007 (11:01)

News Channel Internet – Life Chain Interviews

Something else finally broke in the Chauncey area. This time with a political and religious bent. Luckily The Media Collective was there to cover it.

Perhaps you have seen the people standing along State Road 26 holding signs in protest of abortion. Maybe you tried to engage them in conversation. Maybe some of you yelled your own slogans from your cars. We went out and asked them Who-What-Where-When-Why-How.


Download: News Channel Internet – Life Chain Interviews (24:48)