312-DRY-TOFU – 2011-06-29

312-DRY-TOFU - Free-form Question, Comment, Improvisation Voicemail Line

Here is another installment of the free-form question, comment and improvisational voicemail art project, 312-DRY-TOFU (312-379-8638). Give us a call to share your perspective on anything and everything! Tell us about your day, improvise a monologue about a local event, or just sing us a song.

In this episode, we hear songs about emphysema, tales of old friends moving to Cincinnati, stories about the worst morning ever involving brown stains and dogs, strange breathing, the virtues of libraries vs. illegal downloading, dancing to songs with Barbra Streisand, storms in Lake County, updates from drunk friends on Mass Ave in Indianapolis.

Please join us for the next episode by calling and contributing to 312-DRY-TOFU (312-379-8638)!

MP3: [audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/drytofu/2011/themediacollective.org-312-DRY-TOFU-2011-06-29.mp3]

Download the insanity, 312-DRY-TOFU 2011-06-29 (6:11) in MP3 or Ogg.
