Tag Archives: model school

Waiguoren on Rice – S01E02 – School Days

Recently, one of our friends, Mike, moved to China as a volunteer in the Peace Corps. He has also started a blog of the same name, Waiguoren on Rice.

We connected with our friend Mike over Skype recently and produced the following audio.

Hear his tales of model school, food, and preparing for his placement at a university.

The music used in this episode, Chinese Blues by Moore and Gardner, was downloaded from the Free Music Archive. It was played from a 1916 George Gershwin piano roll. Lovely.

MP3: [audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/waiguorenonrice/S01/Waiguoren%20on%20Rice%20-%20S01E02.mp3]

Download Waiguoren on Rice – S01E02 – School Days (8:33) in MP3 or OGG.

We had some failures recording via Audacity, so we had to record from the speaker again. Sorry for those horrible mouse clicks.