Lafayette Farmers Market – August 8th, 2009

This morning we decided to do some binaural recording the Farmers Market. We also recorded some time lapse video of people’s feet. There was also a great treat in the form of Danny Weiss blowing some early morning jazz into market air. It was a great way to start a Saturday.

Audio from the video below:
Download Lafayette Farmer’s Market August 8th, 2009

Continue reading Lafayette Farmers Market – August 8th, 2009

Binaural Microphones Fixed!

Ever since I started recording with my binaural microphones, I thought the quality was a little poor.

This weekend, something possessed me to make another set to see if the recordings could be better. I still had several WM-61A capsules from my original purchase, so I decided to give it a shot.

Here are two audio files. One was created using the old set, and the other using the new set. Both were recorded with the Zoom H2:

Old microphones (WARNING: Some crackles in the audio)


New microphones


Don’t forget to use headphones for the full effect. I apologize for the slight crackling on the old microphone recording. I think the connection had gone bad as well.

I’m not sure as to what caused the difference—soldering? Bad capsules? I’m just happy the result is much better!