What’s up with that? A show not hosted by Ryan Hill. The intro music was created by The Media Collective.
Ahhh. Another year. Another season of What’s up with that? A show not hosted by Ryan Hill.
We ran into a bit of trouble trying to record our inaugural episode. The batteries died in our main recorder, but luckily we had a backup. Then our headphones broke, but we had a backup of them as well. It was almost an episode that would never be heard. We persevered and captured some interesting audio.
We finished recording late August 20th or early 21st depending on when you went to bed. We’ll see you out at Breakfast Club.
MP3: [audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/whatsupwiththat/S04/whatsupwiththat-S04E00.mp3]