Here is another installment of the free-form question, comment and improvisational voicemail art project, 312-DRY-TOFU (312-379-8638). Give us a call to share your perspective on anything and everything! Tell us about your day, improvise a monologue about a local event, or just sing us a song. If you can do it over your phone, we want to hear it.
In this episode, we hear stories about Digimon and Pokémon nerd rage, being born before or after the Independence of the United States, a couple of notes-to-self about donating blood, questions about where people should ride their bikes on US 52, why Iron Man is the best super hero ever, some inaudible story about the Irish parliament, and a beautiful stream of consciousness ends our show.
Please join us for the next episode by calling and contributing to 312-DRY-TOFU (312-379-8638)!
MP3: [audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/drytofu/2011/themediacollective.org-312-DRY-TOFU-2011-07-05.mp3]
Download the insanity, 312-DRY-TOFU 2011-07-05 (10:28) in MP3 or Ogg.