Songs from the Ironing Board

Over the weekend, the Media Collective recorded some music for your enjoyment. We’re calling this EP, Songs from the Ironing Board.

And we thought C-SPAN was the wrong idea (Version 1)

MP3: [audio:]

Download: OGG or MP3

And we thought C-SPAN was the wrong idea (Version 2)

MP3: [audio:]

Download: OGG or MP3

Yes And…

MP3: [audio:]

Download: OGG or MP3

2 thoughts on “Songs from the Ironing Board”

  1. Well, I am not sure which one I like the best. I am leaning towards the second one.
    The first one was a little to “tinklie” for me.
    Nice job Media Collective. How can I get in on making music?

  2. Glad to hear you liked the music. Next time you are around, let’s make some music. 😉

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