To open for Ad Liberation, Andrew Preston provided the audience with a nice sing-along diddy about the venue, comedy, and drinking. A highlight of the evening. Enjoy!
We broke out our 61-key Casio keyboard this evening and had a lot of fun. Here is one take from that session, Sitting Alone in a Chair at Night in A Major.
This will be on the second release by The Media Collective.
Last night we had the pleasure of hanging out with some friends. After a few drinks, we decided to play the Hammond Cadette organ. Here is a nice clip, featuring three players on the organ and someone at the typer. Thankfully, no windows were broken.
Yesterday we acquired an inexpensive electric guitar, at a local pawn shop, to pursue an adventure in the world of prepared guitars. We could not be happier with our purchase. =)
Enjoy one of the many fruits from our labors. Beware. It has seeds.