Category Archives: Music

(Here at) Jurassic Park [Theme Song]

Last night we had the pleasure of enjoying a comedy show at the DIY Venue, Jurassic Park. John Cessna and Ad Liberation provided the comedy in the intimate setting. Fun was had by all.

To open for Ad Liberation, Andrew Preston provided the audience with a nice sing-along diddy about the venue, comedy, and drinking. A highlight of the evening. Enjoy!

MP3: [audio:]

Download the song, (Here at) Jurassic Park [Theme Song] (4:08) in MP3 or Ogg.
Continue reading (Here at) Jurassic Park [Theme Song]

Gravel for Breakfast

Another fine noisy number we concocted in our labs. This, too, will be on the second release by The Media Collective.

Enjoy! Share! Consume! Create!

MP3: [audio:]

Download the song, Gravel for Breakfast (6:16) in MP3 or Ogg.

Sitting Alone in a Chair at Night

We broke out our 61-key Casio keyboard this evening and had a lot of fun. Here is one take from that session, Sitting Alone in a Chair at Night in A Major.

This will be on the second release by The Media Collective.

MP3: [audio:]

Download the song, Sitting Alone in a Chair at Night (1:55) in MP3 or Ogg.

Let’s Break Some Windows

Last night we had the pleasure of hanging out with some friends. After a few drinks, we decided to play the Hammond Cadette organ. Here is a nice clip, featuring three players on the organ and someone at the typer. Thankfully, no windows were broken.

Enjoy the noise!

MP3: [audio:]

Download the song, Let’s Break Some Windows (4:15) in MP3 or Ogg.

These are Due in Two Weeks

Yesterday we acquired an inexpensive electric guitar, at a local pawn shop, to pursue an adventure in the world of prepared guitars. We could not be happier with our purchase. =)

Enjoy one of the many fruits from our labors. Beware. It has seeds.

MP3: [audio:]

Download the song, These are Due in Two Weeks (4:29) in MP3 or Ogg.