The Media Collective has lived its life. The archives will remain active for those researching the Village and Downtown art and political scenes between 2007-2014.
Thank you for everyone who participated in the Collective.
The Media Collective has lived its life. The archives will remain active for those researching the Village and Downtown art and political scenes between 2007-2014.
Thank you for everyone who participated in the Collective.
The first of many fluxus workshops deals with the event score; markings on paper articulating theatre.
A sample event score we used previously would be as follows:
Kite String Tangle – (TJ)
If we deconstruct this particular format, we are left with:
When you write your event scores, don’t forget these elements. Refer to this page if necessary. Bookmark it now. Like it. Tweet it. Staple it. Never feel ashamed due to lack of memory.
Want to verbally express your theatrical contribution? Give us a call at 312-DRY-TOFU. It’s a voicemail art line. Call day or night.
vote. wait. welcome. work.
bless the shoulders
my mouse hand hurts.
remake the sounds that effect
the affect of my ears.
understand and ensure
the protective glare,
i always know to uphold
the change you claim dear.
to declare to maintain
the management to preserve
all follow and defend!
We are encouraging the greater Lafayette area to write and submit event scores again. Start yours today!
We also need artists and non-artists of all sorts, working in a variety of mediums: noise, painting, drawing, sculpture, poetry, printmaking, digital graphics, architecture, ceramics, etc.
Most of all, we are here to make theatre in its purest form; the spectacle.
Join us for fLUXUS FOAM this summer.
If you would like to be kept in the loop regarding our fluxus workshops, please contact us.
April 30th is our next experimental performance at the Knickerbocker Saloon.
Collaboration at 7PM.
Show starts at 8PM.
Title: A Rocket to the Moon
Assignment: Bring your tales of travels.
Battle: Journey vs. Destination
Add yourself to the pool of Write Club Battle Contenders or become a member of our mailing list! Please sign-up here.
We are looking for artists, satirists, playwrights, poets, actresses, short story writers, actors, novelists, extemporaneous creators, instrumental musicians, comedians, audience members, and anyone else who loves creativity!
Come out and see some local theatre, poetry, prose, and all around stage hijinks.
We just received an e-mail from Danny Weiss about the upcoming Experiment, Exchange and Enjoy (E3) series at Lala Gallery in downtown Lafayette. The tentative dates are:
From the E3 web site:
E3 Series for Improvisation Performance is a new event taking place once a month in downtown Lafayette’s Lala Gallery. Our goal is to present dynamic performances around the central theme of Improvisation by a variety of artists from different genres, including dance, sound and spoken word.
They also have a Kickstart project for this series. Please help donate if you can:
If you are involved in any performance art that uses improvisation, sign up now!