Tag Archives: electricity

Knickerbocker Write Club: March 26th, 2012 – Hotel Pillow Mints or All the Comforts of Home

Write Club Poster – 2012-03-26 – Hotel Pillow Mints

Add yourself to the pool of Write Club Battle Contenders or become a member of our mailing list! Please sign-up here.

We are looking for artists, satirists, playwrights, poets, actresses, short story writers, actors, novelists, extemporaneous creators, instrumental musicians, comedians, audience members, and anyone else who loves creativity!

A big thank you to Alexandria Nightengale for providing the art on the tables. If you would like your art displayed during the performance, please contact us.

March 26th.
Extemporaneous? 7PM.
Show started at 8PM.

Write Club Performances

Write Club Battle: Electricity vs. Plumbing MP3 | OGG

MP3: [audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/writeclub/2012-03-26/themediacollective.org-Electricity%20vs.%20Plumbing.mp3]

Can’t make it to a Monday? Call our voicemail art project, 312-DRY-TOFU (312-379-8638), to contribute via the phone. We will play your audio contribution on stage (pending audio quality). All calls will make it into our 312-DRY-TOFU show.