Tag Archives: Knickerbocker Write Club

Knickerbocker Write Club – October 24th, 2011

Knickerbocker Write Club Poster - 2011-10-24

Add yourself to the pool of Write Club Battle Contenders or become a member of our mailing list! Please sign-up here.

We are looking for artists, satirists, playwrights, poets, actresses, short story writers, actors, novelists, extemporaneous creators, instrumental musicians, comedians, audience members, and anyone else who loves creativity!

The next Write Club

Monday, October 24th.

Write Club Performances

Write Club Battle: Sunrise vs. Twilight MP3 | OGG

MP3: [audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/writeclub/2011-10-24/themediacollective.org-Sunrise%20vs.%20Twlight.mp3]

Backwards Poem MP3 | OGG

MP3: [audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/writeclub/2011-10-24/themediacollective.org-Backwards%20Poem.mp3]

I Can Relate MP3 | OGG

MP3: [audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/writeclub/2011-10-24/themediacollective.org-I%20Can%20Relate.mp3]

312-DRY-TOFU Performance MP3 | OGG

MP3: [audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/writeclub/2011-10-24/themediacollective.org-312-DRY-TOFU.mp3]

Election Season News Coverage is Timely, Accurate and Always in Depth MP3 | OGG

MP3: [audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/writeclub/2011-10-24/themediacollective.org-Election%20Coverage.mp3]

The rest of the copy from the event poster:

Want to write? 7PM.
Want to perform? 8PM.
Want to watch the show? It starts at 9PM.

Assignment: Bring some writings to perform! Journals. Stories. Texts from classes. Anything that you would like to perform. Write a poem, story, or other narrative about something that frightens you.

Can’t make it? Call our voicemail art project, 312-DRY-TOFU (312-379-8638), to contribute via the phone. We will play your audio contribution on stage. To be considered for this month’s show, you must call before October 23rd.

Think! Found Magazine meets J&C Letters to the Editor. The two of them go trick or treating as the Pedestrian Bridge and the Wabash River. Each receive a tremendous amount of candy, stickers, and other household items. Upon returning home, they examine their loot and find a letter. The writer tells them the location of a secret trunk full of valuables and photographs. They quickly head out into the night. They enter Happy Hollow Park after dusk and…AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Event: November 28th, 2011 Knickerbocker Write Club

Knickerbocker Write Club Poster - 2011-11-28

The next Knickerbocker Write Club will take place on Monday, November 28th.

We are focusing on our families around the holidays by asking writers to bring in poetry, stories, or other narratives that surround this special familial time of year.

  • If you would like to work collaboratively with other artists on stories, improvisations, poems, zines and the like, come at 7PM.
  • If you want to just enjoy the performance, come at 9PM.

Add yourself to the pool of Write Club Battle Contenders or become a member of our mailing list! Please sign-up here.

If you can’t make it, call our voicemail art line, 312-DRY-TOFU (312-379-8638), day or night and contribute a tale about the holiday madness. Pass the phone around, get your grandmother to spin a yarn about yesteryear, or share your Thanksgiving Day toast. Any audio is accepted and will be used in our netcast.

We are always looking for artists, satirists, playwrights, poets, actresses, short story writers, actors, novelists, extemporaneous creators, instrumental musicians, comedians, audience members, and anyone else who loves creativity!

If you would like to get involved, please contact us.

Knickerbocker Write Club – August 29th, 2011

Write Club 2011-08-29 Poster
Add yourself to the pool of Write Club Battle Contenders or become a member of our mailing list! Please sign-up here.

We are looking for artists, satirists, playwrights, poets, actresses, short story writers, actors, novelists, extemporaneous creators, instrumental musicians, comedians, audience members, and anyone else who loves creativity!

The next Write Club

Monday, August 29th.

Write Club Battles

Downtown vs. Suburbia MP3 | OGG (No clear winner. Re-match with Pro Violent Crime vs. Anti Violent Crime)

MP3: [audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/writeclub/2011-08-29/themediacollective.org-Downtown%20vs%20Suburbia.mp3]

Foodie vs. Fast Food MP3 | OGG (Winner: Fast Food – Aaron “The Little Mac Dinger”)

MP3: [audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/writeclub/2011-08-29/themediacollective.org-Foodie%20vs%20Fast%20Food.mp3]

Pro Violent Crime vs. Anti Violent Crime MP3 | OGG (Winner: Pro Violent Crime – Kaveh “Jack the Tripper Colors Man”)

MP3: [audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/writeclub/2011-08-29/themediacollective.org-Pro%20Violent%20Crime%20vs%20Anti%20Violent%20Crime.mp3]

The rest of the copy from the event poster:

the University show

We are continuing with our new format of creating material for the show in a collaborative environment.

Everyone is welcome at anytime. You can participate in all aspects of the show, but you must be present at the specified times to contribute as a writer and/or performer.

Want to write for the show? Come at 7PM.
Want to perform in the show? Come at 8PM.
Want to watch the creation? Come at 9PM.

In honor of the start of Purdue’s 2011 Fall Semester, we are asking people to draw upon this event for their inspiration. Think of Purdue, students, university, classes, the Hello Walk, campus, the Village, coffee shops, house parties, the Union, clubs, grad students, dissertations, grants, loans.

Can’t make it? Call our voicemail art project, 312-DRY-TOFU (312-379-8638), to contribute via the phone. To be considered for this month’s show, you must call before August 28th.

Think! Found Magazine meets J&C Letters to the Editor. Their relationship grows stale and they put an ad on Craigslist. After a few days they meet Daniil Kharms. All is interesting and fresh again. As they grow old, the three of them enjoy reading Viola Spolin, William S. Burroughs, Keith Johnstone, and Albert Camus before they go to bed. Soundtracking their life’s journey are the works of Laurie Anderson, Jeffry Lewis, and Cecil Taylor.

Event: September 26th – Knickerbocker Write Club

The next Knickerbocker Write Club will take place on Monday, September 26th. More details to come!

Add yourself to the pool of Write Club Battle Contenders or become a member of our mailing list! Please sign-up here.

We are always looking for artists, satirists, playwrights, poets, actresses, short story writers, actors, novelists, extemporaneous creators, instrumental musicians, comedians, audience members, and anyone else who loves creativity!

If you would like to get involved, please contact us.