Tag Archives: Obama

What’s up with that? Pilot Episode 1

This show does not contain any questions, but rather just free responses to a microphone being placed in front of the masses.

The first segment is the first response we received in the area, so we included it for posterities sake. The second clip is louder (lot’s of yelling, your ears have been warned) and touches on race and political issues. The third is a random conversation in a fast food restaurant. We can’t wait to make more.

There is enough audio from the first round to make a second show, and we will have that uploaded for everyone in the coming days. Please let us know what you think and if you see the What’s up with that? crew out in the area, come by and say “Hello”.

The next batch of audio will be made with direct political and current affair questions.


What’s up with that? Pilot Episode 1

(the music was stolen from WolframTones)