- If you had to prepare dinner for Obama and McCain, what would you make them?
- How do you feel right now?
- Vests! Your views?
- Will you scat for us?
Download What’s up with that? S02E01 (08-22-2008) (62:20)
Thank you everyone for a great first season! Thank you Vienna, for letting us use your establishment as a starting off point.
Here’s Zach thanking and rambling about it. Sorry for the cheese.
A couple things to note out of this:
We want to do a series called What’s up with you!? A solo interview using all of the previous what’s up with that questions. If you are interested, please contact us.
A database consisting of all the previous questions so people can generate four questions to produce their own What’s up with that? show.
Stay in touch! If you have any ideas for the collective, let us know!
What’s up with that? A show not hosted by Ryan Hill.
Wow. We finally made it to the sequel of What’s up with that? S01E14, the Halloween edition. Enjoy this second half to that epic episode.
Part 2.1
Part 2.2
Part 2, the full file
2.1 What’s up with that? S01E26 (Halloween Edition Part 2.1 of 2.2) 03-29-2008 (17:54)
2.2 What’s up with that? S01E26 (Halloween Edition Part 2.2 of 2.2) 03-29-2008 (20:07)
Full What’s up with that? S01E26 (Halloween Edition Part 2) 03-29-2008 (37:03)
What’s up with that? A show not hosted by Ryan Hill.
It only took a month, but we managed to squeeze out another show. This one is shorter than usual, but still action packed. We split the show into five acts. Enjoy!
Download: What’s up with that? S01E25 03-15-2008 (19:13)
We just got this voicemail from a friend. I thought the link on the right to the RSS feed worked for iTunes? Do we have to do something else? Something different? Please let us know if it works or doesn’t.
[audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/whatsupwiththat/whatsupwiththat-rsssubscription.mp3]Download RSS Subcription Complaint