Tag Archives: politics

Taking Indiana Very Seriously

While walking through the local farmer’s market and purchasing some lovely produce from the Cooley Family Farm, among other vendors, we were approached by Obama supporter wanting to know if everyone in our party was registered to vote. After telling her that we have been registered voters for a number of years, she asked if we knew about the Obama regional office opening at 514 Main St. We had heard about it, we told her. She then asked if we knew about the opening reception taking place at 1PM today, with former US Senator Birch Bayh as a guest speaker. That we hadn’t heard about, so we took a flyer and told her we would be there. We finished our shopping and went home.

When it was time to go, I headed towards downtown Lafayette. I parked the car in the 5th street garage and walked over to the address, 514 Main St. The office was setup in a decent size space, easily accommodating those that were in attendance. By the time the speakers started, the place was packed with local officials, young Obama supporters outfitted in the various Obama clothing lines, and several people draped in the campaign garb for local people running.

As usual, I recorded the whole thing. Below you will find MP3s of the entire speech, and each speaker’s speech as its own separate file. Further down, we included a short list of things we learned from attending this event. Enjoy listening to your local politicians.

Listen to the full event
Download the full event (38:34)

The speaking order for this event was:

  1. Christine Schellack (audio download) (1:57) [audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/newschannelinternet/obama-07-19-2008/christineschellack-07-19-2008.mp3]
  2. Joe Hogsett (audio download) (3:20) [audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/newschannelinternet/obama-07-19-2008/joehogsett-07-19-2008.mp3]
  3. John Polles (audio download) (2:25) [audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/newschannelinternet/obama-07-19-2008/johnpolles-07-19-2008.mp3]
  4. Nels Ackerson (audio download) (7:29) [audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/newschannelinternet/obama-07-19-2008/nelsackerson-07-19-2008.mp3]
  5. Birch Bayh (audio download) (23:27) [audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/newschannelinternet/obama-07-19-2008/birchbayh-07-19-2008.mp3]

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