Tag Archives: Robots and Rogues

Interview: Beau Watson Dreams up a Boil of Fun with Dreamlancer

In everyone’s favorite downtown Lafayette bookstore, Robots and Rogues, we managed to catch up with Beau Watson, author of Dreamlancer: The Tournament of Heroes, for his first Mosey Down Main Street experience1.

Dreamlancer is a 283 page, 10 or 11 point serif font fantasy book that explores the monster, griffin, raptor, and Godzilla-esq shadow beast inhabited Dream Realm. You can peruse the Dreamlancer Field Guide (wiki) and pressure Beau to create an HTML5 game of the book.

A short synopsis taken from the Dreamlancer website:

Ryan Wilkinson is a fairly average young man – that is, until he goes to sleep. As he slumbers, he dreams he is the hero of a faraway land. He is the Champion of Elyria: the Dreamlancer. Ryan soon learns that these are no ordinary dreams and that some mysterious force is tampering with the energies that flow from our world to the weird and wonderful Dream Realm. If nothing is done about it, the Dream Realm – and perhaps our own reality – could face a cataclysmic disaster.

MP3: [audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/newschannelinternet/2012-Interviews/themediacollective.org-2012-08-11-Beau_Watson_Dreamlancer.mp3]

Download the interview, Beau Watson Dreams up a Boil of Fun (7:17), in MP3 or Ogg.

1A sad reality is that not many Purdue students know about this fun and engaging street festival that takes place monthly over the summer months in downtown Lafayette. How are we going to change that? Lafayette’s Community of Choice consultants want to know. Join the conversation #LafCoC.