Tag Archives: vowels

Waiguoren on Rice – S01E01 – First Contact

Recently, one of our friends, Mike, moved to China as a volunteer in the Peace Corps. He has also started a blog of the same name, Waiguoren on Rice.

We managed to catch him on Skype and decided to record a netcast of our conversation. It went so well, we asked Mike if this could be a reoccurring show. He has tentatively agreed.

The music used in this episode, Chinese Blues by Moore and Gardner, was downloaded from the Free Music Archive. It was played from a 1916 George Gershwin piano roll. Lovely.

MP3: [audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/waiguorenonrice/S01/Waiguoren%20on%20Rice%20-%20S01E01.mp3]

In this episode we talked about:

Download Waiguoren on Rice – S01E01 – First Contact (11:28) in MP3 or OGG.

We like to give a pictorial presence to our reoccurring audio, so if you have any ideas for a logo, please let us know.

Update 1 – Sorry about the mouse clicking. We were recording outside of our computer and will not let that happen again. We will try and use Audacity to record all future Skype interviews.

Update 2 – Squatting toilets seem to be quite superior to regular sitting toilets. Amazing what you learn from other countries and Wikipedia.