312-DRY-TOFU – 03-14-2010 – Fire

312-DRY-TOFU:  A new voice mail box for The Media Collective.  Answer questions, speak your mind, make some noise.  We'll post the audio online.

The prompt from this week’s Dry Tofu was:

Fire! Please tell us a story about fire from your life. Like the time you were kid with a book matches and went out into the garage and set the place a fire. What’s the best method for cooking over an open flame? Who would you like to see spontaneously combust?

Listen to the responses for this prompt and anything else people said during the week of March 7th, 2010 to our free form question and comment line, 312-DRY-TOFU, that’s 312-379-8638:

MP3: [audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/drytofu/312drytofu-03-14-2010-Fire.mp3]


Download this week’s episode (running time 10:36) in MP3 or Ogg

2 thoughts on “312-DRY-TOFU – 03-14-2010 – Fire”

  1. So did we! I just hope nothing burned down. Keep the stories coming. Tell your friends and share the joy! 312-DRY-TOFU.

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