We bring you another installment of the free-form question, comment and improvisational voicemail art project, 312-DRY-TOFU (312-379-8638). Give us a call to share your perspective on anything and everything! Tell us about your day, improvise a monologue about a local event, or sing us a song. If it can be captured on the phone, we want to hear it.
In this episode we hear a wonderfully delightful rendition of a nursery rhyme, the favorite parts of the Kentucky Derby, a little historical preaching of Richard Stallman starting the GNU System, Cameron’s obscene birthday observations, an unknown acoustic song, how to save water damaged books, a story about a pejorative princess, freezing books when floods are inconvenient to your schedule.
Please join us for the next episode by calling and contributing to 312-DRY-TOFU (312-379-8638)!
MP3: [audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/drytofu/2012/themediacollective.org-312-DRY-TOFU-2012-04-21.mp3]
Download the insanity, 312-DRY-TOFU 2012-04-21 (9:15) in MP3 or Ogg.
Listen! Art is above everything!