Category Archives: Music

Ringtone Goodness

Here is the fruit from another successful evening of audio goodness. Load these loops up on your phone. Sing some gibberish songs over them. Rap about the adventures of your cat. You know we did. More to come!

Robot Running Adventure
Feeling the Fire
Poking around the Bird Cage
Bully Time Laugh
Ahhh, Ohhhh

Songs from the Ironing Board

Over the weekend, the Media Collective recorded some music for your enjoyment. We’re calling this EP, Songs from the Ironing Board.

And we thought C-SPAN was the wrong idea (Version 1)

MP3: [audio:]

Download: OGG or MP3

And we thought C-SPAN was the wrong idea (Version 2)

MP3: [audio:]

Download: OGG or MP3

Yes And…

MP3: [audio:]

Download: OGG or MP3

Musical Loops!

Here are some loops we made with our SP-555 and RC-20XL looping pedal. More to come. We’ll also crop these down to 30 seconds or less so you can use them as ring tones.

Wee Ohhh Eeeee

Do Do Do Do Do Do

The Squirrel has gone Far

Aaaaahhhhhhhrrrrrr (Oooha Oooooha)

Nappy Time on the VSS-30

The Media Collective recently acquired a Yamaha VSS-30. This song is the result of a long night celebrating a birthday. Luckily we had plenty of batteries. More to come.

MP3: [audio:]


Download the song: MP3 or Ogg