Tag Archives: Chicago Zinefest

Chicago Zinefest 2012 – S01E02 – Rosy Phinick & God Save the Zine

Chicago Zinefest 2012 Logo

March of 2012 we conducted interviews with people who tabled and patronized the Chicago Zinefest. We will do the same this year during the 2013 Chicago Zinefest.

Enjoy the meanderings with Rosy Phinick, God Save the Zine, and everyone else.

MP3: [audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/newschannelinternet/Chicago_Zinefest_2012/chicagozinefest-S01E02.mp3]

Chicago Zinefest 2012 – S01E01 – Vacation Vacation

Chicago Zinefest 2012 Logo

This past March we conducted interviews with people who tabled and patroned the Chicago Zinefest.

Enjoy the meanderings with True the F Up, A Day in the Air, and everyone else.

MP3: [audio:http://themediacollective.org/wp-content/uploads/newschannelinternet/Chicago_Zinefest_2012/themediacollective.org-NCI-Vacation%20Vacation.mp3]