Tag Archives: collaboration

Kankakee, Mississippi, Wabash: the Other Side of the River (a journey)

Kankakee, Mississippi, Wabash: the Other Side of the River (a journey)

Several weeks ago my sister, Nichole, came down for a weekend visit and we decided to make some musique concrète.

We walked around West Lafayette and Lafayette, recorded sounds, talked, and then went into the studio to sample our discoveries.

The result was our collaborative album: Kankakee, Mississippi, Wabash: the Other Side of the River (a journey).


01 – Motherland (within means)

02 – tread on air
03 – abrupt injunction
04 – set the teeth on edge
05 – Valkyrie (an interlude)
06 – invulnerable (a demonstration)
07 – …and the rest


01 – Shells, Shillings, and Spacecraft

02 – Murmured Performance
03 – A Builder’s Toil
04 – Joyous Parted Mastheads
05 – Bus Stop Scandal
06 – Observed Provisions
07 – The Fallow Rink

You can also listen to and download the full albums below.

Continue reading Kankakee, Mississippi, Wabash: the Other Side of the River (a journey)