Tag Archives: karaoke

Karaoke at Jakes (07-03-2008)

Karaoke at Jakes 07-03-2008

Some friends of ours convinced us to attend a Karaoke Night at Jakes Roadhouse. This audio is a result of that. We have three songs represented:

  1. You’ve Got To Fight For Your Right to Party! by the Beastie Boys
  2. Baby got Back by Sir Mixalot
  3. I Want it That Way by the Backstreet Boys

During the last one, there was a shoutout to our friend, Vicki. There is nothing quite like a bunch of drunk people trying to sing. I highly recommend checking Jakes out on Thursday nights for this reason.


Download Karaoke at Jakes (07-03-2008)

What’s up with that? S01E15 (Breakfast Club Edition #4)

What’s up with that? A show not hosted by Ryan Hill.

And here’s another one! It’s the second part of the same raw session that made up S01E13. We are slowly catching up! I apologize, once again, for the delay, but this gives us something to do when the season finally comes to an end and we move on to different projects for the winter.

Also, if anyone can translate the Austrian guy around the five minute mark, that would be great. All I got so far is “America” and “Indiana”. =)

The questions from this show were:

  1. Will you describe your worst or most hated job?
  2. What time did you start drinking?
  3. How do you feel about the monks in Myanmar?1
  4. What are you supposed to be? Describe it to a blind person.
  5. Will you scat for us?

Download: What’s up with that? S01E15 11-07-2007 (18:21)

1 I still cannot pronounce words worth a damn!