Category Archives: Music

Danny Weiss at the Farmers Market

Danny Weiss playing at the Farmer's Market

The first audio piece put online that we recorded with our new Zoom H2 Handy Recorder. Let us know what you think.

This audio was taken on May 10th, at the Farmers Market, located on 5th Street in downtown Lafayette. We have Danny Weiss playing the saxophone, and entertaining the crowd early morning shoppers. Also, this is just a sample. There will be more!

You can hear the Danny Weiss Trio every Thursday night at the Black Sparrow from 10PM – 1AM.

The song is Jerome Kern’s All the Things You Are. Thanks for the update Danny!

Download Danny Weiss playing All the Things You Are at the Farmers Market (4:57)


Added another track, Sandu by Clifford Brown

Download Danny Weiss playing ‘Sanud’ at the Farmers Market (4:10)

The Idle Kings Live at Zoolegers

the Idle Kings Live at Zoolegers

Another Zoolegers bootleg. The last of which will be recorded with the “I’m Not a Music Recorder” Olympus WS-300M, so please excuse the quality. All future musical recordings will be with our newly acquired Zoom H2.

Ripped off from their MySpace:

Idle Kings is a dynamic duo featuring Sean Trevor ripping apart a fireapple-red Strat and his voice box, and Bryan Johnson beating the bejesus out of an old Maxwin named Gladys. That’s all there is to know. They play music. Damn fine music. What more could you want?

We checked them out at Zoolegers on May 2nd. It was a great show. People were screaming, dancing, and having a great time jumping up and down.

We had to leave early due to prior commitments (farmers market and garage sales), so it is not the complete show. But don’t let that stop you from taking a listen!

Download The Idle Kings Live at Zoolegers (1:34:27)

Political Audio Experiment

The Lafayette City Council’s recent (April 7th) public meeting had some interesting quotes hidden within the over two and half hours of audio. The meeting was already charged up due to the controversial smoking ban ordinance on the table. I highly recommend listening to the entire thing if you want to get a feel for city government. The file can be downloaded on the city’s web site.

After talking with some friends, we decided to take a few of those clips and play around with Wolfram’s Music Generator to make some nice hip-hop music. We present the Would You Clean up Your Language Medley.

Download the Would You Clean up Your Language Medley (3:14)

This isn’t the last song on the City Council’s Greatest Hits. We can’t do it without your help, though. When you make your own, send them our way so we can post them on the site.


It wasn’t. Here’s another. Music was donated by a family member!

Download the Get back on the other side of the river! (Pokey Remix) (2:58)