Tag Archives: ideas

What’s up with that? S03E10 – 11-14-2009 – Breakfast Club

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What’s up with that? A show not hosted by Ryan Hill. Music used in this show was Dancing in Borealis – Ribbons of Vivacity from Live at WFMU on Irene Trudel’s show 9/07/09 by Alexander Turnquist.


  1. You are allowed to fire people from their jobs. Who would you like to see unemployed?
  2. Native Americans walk up to your parent’s house and knock on the door, asking for their land back. How do they respond?
  3. Exxon Mobile and Mansanto CEOs are now EPA administrators. What should their first order of business be?
  4. You are walking down the runway of life, being judged on your thoughts. What ideas do you drape around your body?
  5. The world is going to end March 19th, 2010. What do you do with your remaining time?
Download What’s up with that? S03E10 (11-14-2009) (28:20)

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Happy 2008!

Well, if you are reading this, that means you survived yet another year! Welcome. Hopefully this year will be everything that you want it to be. We have a few things on the horizon at the Collective starting this year as well.

I have spoken with the (frankly) editors and the new edition should be out very shortly. As soon as it is, we’ll post the link here.

Projects for 2008

  1. A Brainstorming Club to facilitate as a launchpad for various media projects inside and outside of the Collective.
  2. The cutup skit show (working title Snip Skits).
  3. A music show of sorts (working title Banana’s New Taste in Music), focusing on local music along with items that are freely available on the Internet.
  4. A wiki to organize items for the Brainstorming Club and other projects

As always, if you have any ideas for anything or would like to help with any projects, please let us know. After all, The Media Collective is YOU!