Tag Archives: Photography

The Litter Project

Here’s a new project we just thought of the other day: The Litter Project.

We go on a lot of walks and one consistent thing we come into contact with is litter. This is a documentation of that exposure. Everything in this post was picked up on the evening of August 20th, 2008.

Litter Project 08-20-2008 01 Litter Project 08-20-2008 02 Litter Project 08-20-2008 03 Litter Project 08-20-2008 04 Litter Project 08-20-2008 05 Litter Project 08-20-2008 06 Litter Project 08-20-2008 07

When we are done scanning the litter, we recycle what we can and then throw away the rest. Isn’t consumption grand?

(frankly) edition 2: spring 2008

Finally, the second edition of (franky) is available in digital form. They also have an updated website.

Here’s an update in their own words:

the second edition has been distributed; be sure pick up your copy at Village Coffeehouse, Vienna, or Von’s. sorry for the long delay!

also, it’s never a bad time to submit something. so if you have any work, send it our way.

Be sure to check out edition 2!

(frankly) edition 1: spring 2007

The Media Collective would like to welcome frankly, the first addition to our new Printed category of media. You can download a PDF of the first edition from the spring of 2007 here.

All submissions for the next issue are due by November 3rd, 2007. If you have anything you would like to contribute, you can e-mail them at frankly.zine[a]gmail.com. The next edition is due to be printed some time late November or early December.

A little copy about the publication:

(frankly) is a zine that was put together so that we, as a community, might be exposed to fellow artists, writers, thinkers, et cetera. whether you love or hate, agree or disagree, appreciate or disparage: tell us; we want to know. we can’t do anything without your ideas, suggestions, comments, & submissions.

keep sending us material: artwork, photography, stories, editorials, essays, poetry, & anything else.