Tag Archives: Audio

News Channel Internet – Hitching for Humanity Interview

Well, we finally had the time to expand The Media Collective beyond one project! We also wanted to have a showcase/feature show, and finally had the opportunity to interview something unique happening in the area. After getting a phone call from a friend about two brothers who were hitchhiking across America and making a documentary, we decided to set out an make them the first interview.

A few things first: We apologize for the quality of the audio. We sat outside (too beautiful of a day to pass up [and one person did not have shoes]). We only had one lapel microphone. For the setup we did have, we’re pretty pleased.

Will and Tim, two brothers making a feature length documentary called Hitching for Humanity, set out on a journey in search of random acts of kindness and to show the world that beautiful people still exist. They started in Massachusetts and plan on ending up in California. This interview covers their stop in West Lafayette, Indiana on the campus of Purdue University. They plan on submitting the film to Slam Dance and where ever else the people take it.


Download: News Channel Internet’s Interview with Hitching for Humanity (11:42)

What’s up with that? Pilot Episode 2

This show contains a few questions and the free form style that was in the first episode.

The first segment answers the question “How do you feel about Monday[s]?” We hear a response as to why Monday is good and why Monday is bad. Someone near us decides to share some wisdom with the masses regarding relationships, and we are wished good luck with the evening and the show. The second segment features a brief interaction about high heeled shoes. The third segment has a bouncer from Jake’s narrating his life of rock-paper-scissors playing and puke cleaning. We get some quick commentary about the match. The fourth and final segment is some information regarding the changes that the new Purdue President will be making on campus.

Once again, we can’t wait to do more of these, so if you like what you hear and want to be on the show, please let us know.


What’s up with that? Pilot Episode 2

What’s up with that? Pilot Episode 1

This show does not contain any questions, but rather just free responses to a microphone being placed in front of the masses.

The first segment is the first response we received in the area, so we included it for posterities sake. The second clip is louder (lot’s of yelling, your ears have been warned) and touches on race and political issues. The third is a random conversation in a fast food restaurant. We can’t wait to make more.

There is enough audio from the first round to make a second show, and we will have that uploaded for everyone in the coming days. Please let us know what you think and if you see the What’s up with that? crew out in the area, come by and say “Hello”.

The next batch of audio will be made with direct political and current affair questions.


What’s up with that? Pilot Episode 1

(the music was stolen from WolframTones)

First (audio) project…

What’s up with that? A show not hosted by Ryan Hill.

Right now, the show is in its experimental stages. We went out this weekend and recorded some audio. Mainly free form, “speak your mind” kind of stuff. The only question we asked was, “How do you feel about Monday?” You can hear the results once the first show has been edited and uploaded, which should be later today.

In the future, we will try and have prepared questions, but we wanted to get a feeling for the community. The main focus will be on the Village and nearby campus life, recorded through the medium of sound, about various items of interest. Something Purdue Student Radio should be doing anyway.

If you work for PSR and want to rebroadcast any of our shows, please let us know!