What’s up with that? S01E14 (Halloween Edition – Part 1 of 2)

What’s up with that? A show not hosted by Ryan Hill.

UPDATE: We broke down the 30 minute show into two halves. And removed the blank, empty space to give it more of a radio feel. Enjoy!

Yay! A special Halloween edition! A new editing style! A new length! NEW! NEW! NEW!

We left the entire thing pretty much the way it was from when we recorded it. A lot longer this time. Let us know what you think. Thank you to everyone who got on the microphone. We couldn’t do this without you!

The list of questions will be posted shortly.

Part 1.1

Part 1.2

1.1 What’s up with that? S01E14 (Halloween Edition Part 1.1 of 2) 11-03-2007 (14:53)

1.2 What’s up with that? S01E14 (Halloween Edition Part 1.2 of 2) 11-03-2007 (15:45)

1.1 + 1.2 What’s up with that? S01E14 (Halloween Edition Part 1 (1.1 and 1.2) of 2) 11-03-2007 (30:13)

5 thoughts on “What’s up with that? S01E14 (Halloween Edition – Part 1 of 2)”

  1. You know, listening to the full length, the gaps when the mic is turned off and on aren’t that bad I suppose.

    I like the new format — especially being able to listen to behind-the-scenes type of stuff.

    One thing, though: I’m completely tired of RACIST SEXIST HOMOPHOBES! That one section with the assholes who would whack their dicks on everybody–that fucking sucks and makes me hate men.

    Otherwise, great show!

    “What’s ‘retribution’?” — lol!

  2. I support Anne in her comments, I also would like to say that this format was very well done. I like the audio, I like the length, and I like the sounds. Also, the sexist and racist shit that is throughout this audio is unbelievable. I listened to it while writing emails, eating, and getting ready for the day!

    Great Job!!!

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