Last Episode…tags are down…what’s next?

Just thought I would write and let everyone know that the last episode for the first season of Whats up with that? A show not hosted by Ryan Hill was recorded this past Saturday. It was great. We are certainly not retiring from the Internet, but instead letting this one rest so we can work on other ideas. We’ll be back with some special editions, perhaps one for Finals week and we know that we will be out during Grand Prix, so look for us around those events. Thank you again for everyone who has participated and for your patience in seeing the episodes get online.

When we upgraded to WordPress 2.3.1, we broke our tag system. Hopefully, from what I have read, the new tag system built into WordPress will be more extendable, so please be patient while we get that going again.

If you have any ideas for projects, please get in contact with us through the contact form page. It is listed in the menu on the right-hand side at the top.

Thanks again and be on the look out for more projects from the Media Collective.

What’s up with that? S01E15 (Breakfast Club Edition #4)

What’s up with that? A show not hosted by Ryan Hill.

And here’s another one! It’s the second part of the same raw session that made up S01E13. We are slowly catching up! I apologize, once again, for the delay, but this gives us something to do when the season finally comes to an end and we move on to different projects for the winter.

Also, if anyone can translate the Austrian guy around the five minute mark, that would be great. All I got so far is “America” and “Indiana”. =)

The questions from this show were:

  1. Will you describe your worst or most hated job?
  2. What time did you start drinking?
  3. How do you feel about the monks in Myanmar?1
  4. What are you supposed to be? Describe it to a blind person.
  5. Will you scat for us?

Download: What’s up with that? S01E15 11-07-2007 (18:21)

1 I still cannot pronounce words worth a damn!

What’s up with that? S01E14 (Halloween Edition – Part 1 of 2)

What’s up with that? A show not hosted by Ryan Hill.

UPDATE: We broke down the 30 minute show into two halves. And removed the blank, empty space to give it more of a radio feel. Enjoy!

Yay! A special Halloween edition! A new editing style! A new length! NEW! NEW! NEW!

We left the entire thing pretty much the way it was from when we recorded it. A lot longer this time. Let us know what you think. Thank you to everyone who got on the microphone. We couldn’t do this without you!

The list of questions will be posted shortly.

Part 1.1

Part 1.2

1.1 What’s up with that? S01E14 (Halloween Edition Part 1.1 of 2) 11-03-2007 (14:53)

1.2 What’s up with that? S01E14 (Halloween Edition Part 1.2 of 2) 11-03-2007 (15:45)

1.1 + 1.2 What’s up with that? S01E14 (Halloween Edition Part 1 (1.1 and 1.2) of 2) 11-03-2007 (30:13)