Tag Archives: Barack Obama

What’s up with that? S02E08 (10-04-2008)

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What’s up with that? A show not hosted by Ryan Hill. Music used in this show was Rainbow’s Edge on MY FAVORITE TRAIN by Sébastien GRAMOND.

Another show in the B35T-style. Let us know what you think.


  1. Your roommate, RA, or parents break into your room. You were in there with McCain, Obama, Palin, and Biden, what were you doing?
  2. What is the fundamental purpose of public education?
  3. Coming soon to a political theatre near you…
  4. What’s the best way to express your opinions?
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What’s up with that? S01E16

What’s up with that? A show not hosted by Ryan Hill.
Music from Wolfram Music Generator

Well, we are back in the saddle trying to get through our massive archive of audio. Here’s another show from a pool (S01E12) we weren’t quite done with. Enjoy!

  1. Will you sing us a verse from your favorite song?
  2. What’s your opinion about the facts?
  3. What kind of plastic surgery should (fill in the blank with a politician’s name) should have?
  4. You’re starving, what do you need to be made out of in order to eat yourself?
  5. How do you feel about the pope running for president?
  6. How do you feel about the republic?

Download: What’s up with that? S01E16 11-15-2007 (14:43)