Tag Archives: John Stamos

What’s up with that? S01E25 (Breakfast Club Edition #8)

What’s up with that? A show not hosted by Ryan Hill.

It only took a month, but we managed to squeeze out another show. This one is shorter than usual, but still action packed. We split the show into five acts. Enjoy!

  1. Why should sweat shops come to the United States?
  2. Halloween advice or perils?
  3. How do you get your news?
  4. Homecoming: your views?

Download: What’s up with that? S01E25 03-15-2008 (19:13)

What’s up with that? S01E24

What’s up with that? A show not hosted by Ryan Hill. Music from Wolfram Music Generator.

This show has been sitting on the back burner for a bit. It made it though. A little thick, but it’s here.

We did tag this one, so enjoy the phrases.

  1. How would you describe your life in thirty seconds?
  2. How would you brainwash someone?
  3. Why are you stuck in Indiana or Purdue?
  4. How do you cultivate happiness?

Download: What’s up with that? S01E24 02-18-2008 (25:28)

What’s up with that? S01E16

What’s up with that? A show not hosted by Ryan Hill.
Music from Wolfram Music Generator

Well, we are back in the saddle trying to get through our massive archive of audio. Here’s another show from a pool (S01E12) we weren’t quite done with. Enjoy!

  1. Will you sing us a verse from your favorite song?
  2. What’s your opinion about the facts?
  3. What kind of plastic surgery should (fill in the blank with a politician’s name) should have?
  4. You’re starving, what do you need to be made out of in order to eat yourself?
  5. How do you feel about the pope running for president?
  6. How do you feel about the republic?

Download: What’s up with that? S01E16 11-15-2007 (14:43)

What’s up with that? S01E12

What’s up with that? A show not hosted by Ryan Hill.

Wow. Another bank of audio finally. This stuff is from the 5th of October, so we’re a little back logged. Hopefully, with some new editing techniques, we can push through this pile and get the stuff out there to the masses. This portions questions were:

  1. Will you sing us a verse from your favorite song?
  2. What’s your opinion about the facts?
  3. How do you feel about the republic?
  4. What kind of plastic surgery should (fill in the blank with a politician’s name) should have?
  5. You’re starving, what do you need to be made out of in order to eat yourself?
  6. How do you feel about the pope running for president?

Download: What’s up with that? S01E12 10-19-2007 (11:01)

What’s up with that? S01E09

What’s up with that? A show not hosted by Ryan Hill.

Finally. Another episode. And it isn’t another episode from the 06, 07, or 08 pool of audio! This episodes questions were:

  1. How do you feel about four pocket pants?
  2. How do you feel about rat tails, mullets, and stove toppers?
  3. You were just elected into office, what’s the first thing you do?
  4. Will you scat for us?

Download: What’s up with that? S01E09 10-08-2007 (7:17)