Tag Archives: moustache

What’s up with that? S02E02 (08-29-2008)

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What’s up with that? A show not hosted by Ryan Hill. Music is from the song Dédé from Pink Lady’s album, The Mini Best Of Pink Lady. Download it for free at Jamendo.com.


  1. You’re in the Olympics–what do you play and how do you train?
  2. How do the Democratic and Republican parties push and pull you?
  3. What games are you playing?
  4. Obama and McCain are campaigning to you—what is it about?
  5. You are a speech writer for the MOOM campaigns—what are your topics?
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What’s up with that? S01E28 (Breakfast Club Edition #9)

What’s up with that? A show not hosted by Ryan Hill. Music from Wolfram Music Generator

This is it. The final episode of the season. We made it. We finished the project. It only took us five months after we stopped recording to finally get to this stage, but we did it! We would like to thank everyone who participated with us on the first season. Be on the lookout for the “Got the Itch” season bridge. We interviewed the last two Fridays, so there is content waiting to be put up!

The final episode’s questions were:

  1. How does the writer’s strike affect you?
  2. What’s the best way to say your sorry?
  3. What is made in America?
  4. How do you feel about the face of the Golden Boy?

Download: What’s up with that? S01E28 04-14-2008 (31:49)