Tag Archives: Hookah

The Importance of Coming Home

We finally finished our binaural microphones, so we had to go out and record something. These cuts are from the Chauncey-Village area on October 26h, 2008, the Saturday of Homecoming that year.

To get the full effect of these recordings, please listen with a pair of headphones.

Walking Passed the Bars (9:03)
I stroll by The Egyptian Cafe, Harry’s Chocolate Shop, Brothers, Where Else?, Jake’s, The Wabash Yacht Club, Hookah!

Walk Through Jakes (3:51)
My setup gets caught on the back of a guy’s shirt. Almost ripped the gear out of my hands.

Sitting on a Bench (5:18)
I sit on a bench, taking in the crisp night air.

What’s up with that? S02E03 (09-05-2008)

What's up with that? - Logo
What’s up with that? A show not hosted by Ryan Hill. Music is from the song SOS SS from thelinks’ album, Dalai-Lama – SOS SS. Download it for free at Jamendo.com.


  1. You just put on glasses and can only see things from an energy policy perspective, how do you view Alaska?
  2. You cast a spell on Purdue, what was it and who did it affect?
  3. If Obama and McCain were high school teachers, what subjects would they teach?
  4. You are ordering a drink for Obama and Biden and then for McCain and Palin–what do you order and how would you toast them?
Download What’s up with that? S02E03 (09-05-2008) (65:46)

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